Start here – Learners

Guide for learners

Use Duckietown to teach, learn, and do research. 

Learn robot autonomy with Duckietown

Want to learn autonomy.. in autonomy? You might be a Makademic!

Makademics are a fusion of “makers” and “academics” (yes, we just made this up).

You are a Makademic if you want to learn and build on your own, outside of an educational institution, and also want a deep understanding of how things are working.

You can learn about robotics and AI by building your own Duckietown and using all of the course materials at your own pace.

Duckietown is learning autonomy: we provide a unique hands-on learning experience, and an international community to bounce off ideas with.

Makademic next steps

  1. Join the Duckietown Slack and gain immediate access to the Duckietown community
  2. Join the massive open online course “Self-Driving Cars with Duckietown” on EdX (learn more)
  3. Get the hardware